6 Items That Need Storage Protection for Cold Weather

Certain vulnerable areas of the house come to mind first when it comes to cold-weather protection. We ensure faucets are dripping, exterior sources of water are covered and that all gaps that allow in cold air are sealed. But have you thought about your belongings making it through the winter?

Certain summer and other seasonal items need protection to survive the winter. Let’s go over which ones and your best storage options for keeping them protected during cold weather.


1. Car/Bike/Motorcycle

Snow, slush, ice… they’re all bad for your mode of transportation. That’s why it’s ideal to keep them secured in a garage, preferably under a tarp or another form of protection (assuming you’re not using the vehicle regularly). Vehicles aren’t ideal for storage containers, but if your garage is full of clutter that your car, bike or motorcycle would otherwise occupy, it might be time to reorganize your items a bit. 

2. Water-Related Gear

Have scuba gear? Diving equipment? A kayak? All of these water-related items are mainly used during warm weather, so there’s no need to keep them out of storage when it’s cold. Furthermore, many water-related items can be damaged by the cold, which is a bad thing considering many of these toys can cost thousands of dollars! The lengths you go to winterize your water-related gear will be worth it.

3. BBQ Grills

Similarly, other summer-friendly items that aren’t necessarily water related are ideal options for winter storage containers. Grills rust easily when exposed to moisture and temperature changes, so if you want to keep the brats and steaks going when things warm back up again, keep your grill protected, secured and stored in a climate-controlled facility.

4. Lawn Equipment

There’s always a time when your lawnmower is decommissioned for the winter months. When you’ve completed that last lawn maintenance session, store those tools and equipment in a storage container until you’ll use them again. We’re talking about weed eaters, trimmers, hedgers and any other lawn equipment that you want to keep in tip-top shape.

5. Patio Furniture

If you’re not going to be sitting on your porch, why not keep your furniture protected? Ice, rain, snow and other elements can damage patio furniture over time, no matter how well designed it to withstand the weather. If you have an expensive or favorite piece of furniture, it’s an especially wise decision to pursue storage protection for cold weather. 

If you’re in need of storage protection for cold weather, contact us at 972-GET-A-SAM today for a no-obligation quote for one of our portable storage containers. As we’ve seen recently, even in Texas this cold-weather planning can prove useful.