Yard Sale, Donation or Storage? What To Do With Extra Stuff


When it comes to streamlining your number of belongings, you have three main options: give them away, sell them or store them. (Or perhaps a combination of all three?) This is an especially important decision when it comes to moving, as your expenses will be higher with the more items you move. Trashing items is an option, but it’s also a waste (especially for any items that have some value). 

Let’s discuss yard sales, donations and storage to help you decide which is best for you.

The Case for Yard Sales

One of the biggest benefits of hosting a yard sale is the extra money. You’ll get a financial boost from a yard sale, depending on the quantity and quality of items you have. This can come in handy if you’re moving after downsizing your belongings. Of course, yard sales have a few cons. The primary con is the time involved including having to do them on the weekends (if you want higher traffic probability, anyway). You must also consider the need to buy supplies like markers and poster boards and otherwise figure out how to price and promote the garage sale. 

The Case for Donations

Donations also have a monetary benefit, but you don’t have to worry about the hassle of putting a yard sale together. If you have any items that are in good condition, but you don’t use them, a charity organization can benefit from them. Or, donate to a friend, family member or the homeless. Aside from the tax benefits you’ll enjoy with donations, you’ll be doing some good with your extra stuff.

The Case for Storage

While yard sales, donations and trashing items are good ways to get rid of belongings, some items may be too sentimental or valuable to part with. If you’re experiencing a cluttered house or preparing for a move, a residential storage container can be your best option. You can safely store the items you want while simultaneously clearing up your residence. At SAM (Store & Move), the process is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Call for the container to be delivered to your location.
  2. Pack or unpack it on your timeline.
  3. Call again for the container to be delivered to a new destination or otherwise retrieved.

Why Not All Three?

Now that we’ve covered all the options, have you considered implementing a little of all of them? Some items are worn down or no longer needed, making them suitable for the trash or recycling bin. Others have some value, but would be better off in someone else’s hands. We’ve also already talked about keeping sentimental items. At the end of the day, if you’re looking to get rid of extra stuff, a combination of yard sales, donations and storage will meet your needs.

If you’re looking for storage to help with all of your extra items, contact us today at 972-GET-A-SAM!