Why Portable Containers Make Sense for Hosts


It’s estimated that there are four million hosts on Airbnb… and that’s just one company! Anyone with a guest bedroom, shed or second home can become a host these days. Hosts enjoy immense benefits like extra income and living flexibility. 

If you’re an Airbnb host or rent your home out during certain seasons, a portable storage container can also be extremely beneficial. Let’s go over a few reasons why.

They Allow for Easy Renovations

With a portable storage container, you can store belongings or items from your home while you renovate it for future guests. Most people who become hosts have to renovate, remodel or redecorate the living space in some way and portable storage containers let you do this easily. 

A portable storage container can be delivered to the location of your host home, loaded or unloaded on your timetable and simply picked up once you’re done with the project. Whether you’re changing up the bathroom, kitchen or another room, a container makes renovations easier.

They Make More Room for Guests

Perhaps you technically have room for guests in your home, but there is furniture or other belongings currently occupying the space where they’d stay? This is another instance when a portable storage container would come in handy. You can clear out a room and store the items in a storage container, then set up the room for guests. You can do this for one, two or more rooms. Then if you want to use the space again, you can return the portable storage container and turn the room back into the way it was. But you’ll be in position to be a great host who can accommodate a variety of guests.

They Give You Seasonal Flexibility

Finally, portable storage containers give hosts more flexibility when it comes to seasonal living arrangements. For example, if you typically rent out a vacation home in Florida but want to live there yourself for a summer, you can use the storage container to transport all of your belongings, or temporarily store items from the residence. Either way, portable storage containers arm you with options for keeping your vacation home homely when you return while renting it out when you’re away. 
Whether you’re a host or thinking about becoming one, a portable storage container can be a great benefit. Request a quote from SAM (Store & Move) today.