Storage Containers & Sustainable Living

More and more people are finding the sustainable lifestyle ideal. According to a recent survey, 86 percent of Americans recycle and 92 percent take environmental sustainability seriously (especially when it comes to the products they buy and the companies they buy from). These are just a couple examples.

Did you know that storage containers can help in the area of sustainability? Let’s discuss a few ways these moving and storage solutions can help you go green.


Sustainable Living and Belongings

First, take a look at how you dispose of unwanted household items. Do you trash everything? Or do you categorize and determine what you can sell or donate first? The latter can give these items extended life and is good for the planet. Someone may find your unwanted items appealing, or you could repurpose something that you might think is trash at first. For example, old clothes can be used as rags. Think creatively and reuse what you can!

Residential storage containers can help here by housing all of the extra items and household belongings you want to keep, but don’t really have room for in your home.

Sustainable Living and Your House

Your house can also have a big carbon footprint, which you can improve. Some changes you can make that will save on energy costs (and reduce that footprint) include: 

  • Installing a smart thermostat
  • Using the oven and stove less
  • Insulating your attic and drafty rooms
  • Replacing your windows with energy-efficient options
  • Putting solar panels on your roof
  • Remodeling rooms to maximize energy efficiency

If you do consider a big remodeling project, a portable storage container can help you keep belongings out of the way while the project is completed. Simply call to have one delivered, load on your timeline and call again to have it picked up.

Sustainable Living and Relocations

Finally, your next move can have an impact on the environment if you aren’t careful. For one, traditional moving trucks use more gas if there are multiple trips required. Second, the size of your next home can be a factor. Consider downsizing and don’t get more home than you need. Storage containers can help here as well, as they maximize efficiency and don’t use any fuel during the loading or unloading process. 

If you’d like to learn more about our storage containers and how they help you reach your goals, contact us today at 972-GET-A-SAM for a no-obligation quote today.