How To Maximize Your Home Spaces in 2022

Want a New Year’s Resolution idea? How about maximizing the usability of your home? This can have several benefits with everything from reducing stress levels to creating a more joyful environment that you’re proud to show off to friends and family.

Let’s give you ideas for the laundry room and kitchen, as well as maximizing storage space in general.


The Laundry Room

One of the best rooms to start off with is the laundry room. These rooms are usually smaller in size, often detached from other rooms in the house and have a defined purpose (which is easier for organization). Here are a few tips to maximize your laundry room space in 2022:

  • Use all of the surface area in the space: this includes walls! Shelves, cabinets and other holders are smart additions, as is anything you can hang from the ceiling.
  • Don’t forget a counter: You need somewhere to fold and/or iron clothes. This is why collapsible ironing boards are such a popular space-saving option.
  • Utilize the door properly: If your laundry room doesn’t need a traditional door that swings in (and requires space to do so), a barn-style door or no door at all can help the space feel bigger and dictate the way you organize it. Even if you have a traditional door, a garment rack on the back can add extra storage.

The Kitchen

Next, you can move on to a bigger room that you use often, like the kitchen. This is the room where guests may visit the most often, so it’s important everyone has room to mingle. Here are some ways to maximize your kitchen space in 2022:

  • Keep things compartmentalized: It’s especially easy for clutter to pile up in the kitchen, with so many different types of utensils and tools out there. Keep cutlery in a tray, knives in a block and similar pantry items close together.
  • Look up: The kitchen is a great place to draw the eye vertically, especially if your kitchen has high ceilings. Consider installing hooks to hang mugs, an over-the-counter pots and pans display or track lighting. 
  • Go multifunctional: There are so many areas and devices that can serve dual purposes in the kitchen and save space. There are cutting boards, for example, that fit over your sink and nest for storage when you’re not using them. Risers can give you double the space in your cabinets. If you’re feeling like you’ve exhausted your storage options we’d recommend considering these useful storage/organization gadgets.

The Storage Component

Whatever room you’re trying to maximize, it’s much easier when you don’t have so many belongings. Consider selling, donating or trashing anything you don’t need. If there are items you still want, but are taking up space, a portable storage container is another option. Load up what isn’t contributing value to the space and store anything else in a climate-controlled facility. The container is delivered to your location, loaded up on your timeline and taken away again. It’s that easy to get the most out of your space!
If you’re interested in a storage container to help you maximize your home space in 2022, contact us today at 972-GET-A-SAM for a no-obligation quote.