Garage Storage vs. Portable Storage Containers


Did you know that many products out there aren’t being used the way they were originally intended? Take chewing gum, for example. Initially, the substance was material for early versions of boots, face masks and toys. But once flavor was added, it found its ideal use. 

In a similar way, many of us don’t use our garages the way they were intended, choosing to store belongings in them instead of cars. But if you can rethink your home storage, you can use your garage again the way it was originally designed. Let’s go over some of the disadvantages of garage storage and the benefits of using a portable storage container instead.

The Disadvantages of Garage Storage

Garages rarely get filled up instantly (though this can happen after a big move, for example). More often, it’s a gradual process where homeowners start slowly storing more and more belongings in the garage until there is no room for the vehicle. The next thing you know, the entire garage is full of stuff. 

That’s a big negative in itself, but there are several other disadvantages to storing your belongings in the garage:

  • Infestation: pets may be attracted to items, creating unsanitary conditions.
  • Fire hazard: the more flammable items together, the more unsafe it is.
  • Security issue: the items in your garage are more prone to theft than items in the rest of the house, as the garage is typically less protected.
  • Item damage: temperature fluctuations can damage art and other delicate items, as well as spoil certain foods and lead to humidity fluctuations as well.

The Benefits of Portable Storage Containers

Some reasons homeowners settle for the above inconveniences include:

  • Limited budgets for storage units
  • Limited storage on the property
  • Limited desire to do the work

While traditional storage units are a solution, they involve figuring out how to get your belongings from your garage to the unit. You also have to think about which items to store, as you’ll have to travel to the facility to access them again. Then you might have to move everything all over again in the future.

With a portable storage container, however, the benefits cover many of these issues with both garage storage and traditional storage units. For starters, you don’t have most of the fire, security, pest issues or item damage you have with garage storage. But you also don’t have to worry about finding transportation for your belongings, as the container is delivered on site to your location and loaded up on your timetable. When you’re done, simply call the company to have it picked up again.
If you’re debating garage storage versus portable storage containers, we’d love to give you a no-obligation quote and go over how the process works at SAM (Store & Move). Call us today!