5 Benefits to Decluttering Before You Move


If you’re moving out of your house, decluttering seems like the last thing you want to do. That’s like taking a shower before you exercise, right?

Well, for starters, organizing and cleaning up your home can have several advantages when it comes to selling it. Let’s dive deeper into this decluttering benefit and four others.

1. It’s Easier To Sell The Home

Well-presented homes are easier to sell. Just ask any realtor, decluttering professional or home organization expert. By removing belongings that are cluttering up your home, you’ll be able to present a clean, polished version of your home that is appealing to buyers. Plus, it’ll be easier to add simple finishing touches like new paint or carpet.

2. The Moving Process Is More Convenient

When you declutter, you have fewer belongings to move. Whether you’re donating, trashing or giving away items as you declutter, you’ll have less to transport. This makes move day easier, as you’ll have less you need to accomplish. If you declutter using a portable storage container, the transition from decluttering to relocating is more seamless than ever.

3. You Avoid Procrastination

Procrastination is a common problem when it comes to moving. Trust us, we’ve seen more than our fair share of people wait until the day before (or day of) the move to get serious about getting things done. When you declutter before you move, you’ll motivate yourself and be in a better position for move day. When you don’t have as much on your plate, bigger projects seem more feasible.

4. Hidden Issues Are Easier To Find

Safety and contamination issues can be discovered when you declutter. From expired cans of food to moldy bottles of half-opened lotion, these safety issues can hide in the most unexpected places. Instead of having a prospective home buyer find the old rag you forgot about in the cabinet, do a thorough decluttering and cleaning to find any hidden issues.

5. You Don’t Have To Leave Your Home!

Finally, thanks to modern conveniences, you can declutter and pack up belongings without a trip to a storage facility. With SAM (Store & Move), we deliver a container to your location and you can pack it up or use it for on-site storage as long as you want. When you’re ready, you simply give us a call and we transport it to a new location of your choosing. When decluttering and moving is this simple, why would you do anything else?

If you’re interested in decluttering before you move, consider renting a SAM (Store & Move) container to enjoy an easier process. Contact us for a no-obligation quote today.